Mergers & Acquisitions

October 2008 to September 2011

Project Director in Corporate Finance Mergers, Acquisitions and Post Closing Management (CF MAP) at Siemens AG, Munich, Germany.

Key highlights

Review and execution of M&A transactions in all three areas of acquisition, divestments and joint ventures, initially contributing, later as responsible project director with a special focus on joint ventures
Execution of due diligence processes and coordination of central and decentralized teams of experts
Analysis and preparation of scenarios as input to decision-making processes of the Siemens Managing Board regarding M&A activities
Selection and coordination of investment banks, auditors, and other external consultants

Key project Ural Locomotives Joint Venture:

Negotiation lead on behalf of Siemens and head of the expert team for the establishment of the joint venture company Ural Locomotives with the Russian partner Sinara Transport Machines in 2010 in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Later also negotiation of the expansion of the production portfolio to commuter trains.